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  • 利率结构


  • Interest rate structure and monetary policy implementation in mainland china
  • At present , china ' s interest rate liberalization reform has made certain achievements , but there are still many problems , such as the relationship between interest rates not straighten out , a reasonable interest rate structure has not been built up ; interest rate policy is not fully functional play
  • As the interest rate marketing has such profound influence to our country ’ s economy under this condition , our country ’ s interest rate system actually has serious issue : for example the datum interest rate formulation manifests the fairness market competition principle with difficulty , the society average rate of profit has not yet formed ; the market rate level lack the effective binding force when the enterprise want to uses their funds ; the majority commercial bank cannot completely follow to the market rule when they display their function ; also our country lacks the corresponding legal laws and regulations in the interest rate market advancement to make the safeguard for the enterprise ; the interest rate structure is unreasonable and so on
  • This paper absorbs and borrows the experience and lessons of marketization of interest rate reform of foreign countries for our country ' s reform . combining theory discussion and e mpirical analysis , the paper deeply analyses the defects of our present interest rate system , and explores the difficulties and advantages during the process of reform . the paper concludes that after china ' s entering wto and under a situation which international financial environment has greatly changed , at present , we have the ability to speed up the reform , and we should put emphasis on improving the interest rate structure and interest rate conduction system , meanwhile , take measures to improve the relevant system - financial supervision , financial markets , state - owned bank and stated - owned firms
用"interest rate structure"造句  
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